Over the years, thanks to the experience gained, Montalbetti S.p.A. has acquired the equipment, and especially the skills, to carry out industrial demolition works, in the broader manufacturing panorama of our country and always to the full satisfaction of the customer companies. Montalbetti S.p.A. was the first Italian company to carry out the controlled demolition of suspended boilers. Already in the early 1970s it demolished the hanging boiler of the Vita Mayer paper-mill at Cairate (Varese province), and the first ENEL boiler of the Sulcis power station (Sardinia). It also successfully demolished the installations of the nuclear power station of Montalto di Castro and distinguished itself at the Geneva CERN in demolition works, applying techniques that were in the front line at that time. Montalbetti S.p.A. was also the first company to create an important added value in the demolition of tanks for fuel oil, giving the various customers the chance to carry out modernisation of their fuel tank group in the context of increasingly rapid economic returns.
Suspended boiler
In the field of revamping or decommissioning, the main boiler manufacturers or end users increasingly use the services of Montalbetti SpA for the demolition of old units, because it is a guarantee of respect not only for the quality of execution but also of the timing, which in these cases often has a significant impact of the economic return of the operation. The experience and close cooperation of our company’s teams of cutters, crane operators and slingers enable working in a number of shifts and in parallel on more than one boiler, often achieving completion of the works ahead of the scheduled times. In particular, Montalbetti S.p.A. was the first Italian company to perform the controlled demolition of hanging boilers, starting from the early 1970s with the boiler of the Vita Mayer paper-mill at Cairate (Varese province), and with the first ENEL boiler in the Sulcis power station.
Montalbetti can deal with the most complex situations in this field of application, one of the most hazardous in the field of decommissioning. Particular situations arise when, because of mistaken or accidental manoeuvres, the floating roof of a storage tank can sink into the stored product. To deal with such cases Montalbetti has developed technologies based on specific procedures and equipment that enable safe working in environments with a high risk of explosion.

In addition to the skill in decommissioning complete disused industrial sites, Montalbetti has gained wide experience in partial demolition, i.e. in the context of revamping or substitution of production lines, which are carried out without stopping production on adjacent lines. To operate in such situations, the techniques and the equipment used by Montalbetti within production departments have already been tested and guaranteed and an increasing number of industrial clients call on our company for this kind of work.

Montalbetti is specialised in the demolition of disused railway trucks and carriages, both movable and immobile, and the exploitation of their material. The activities include cleaning operations where necessary. The site at Grisignano di Zocco is the preferential location for these activities, thanks to the presence of a dedicated railway connection and the equipment available there.

Montalbetti has designed and applied specific technologies also for this type of activity. The demilitarisation and demolition process employs the latest environmental protection procedures to deal with the potential presence of hazardous materials such as asbestos and inflammable oils and fluids. The armoured vehicles are demolished and their material exploited in accordance with NATO specifications.

Montalbetti has developed specialist techniques for particularly challenging demolition works, such as those in the regulated areas of former nuclear power stations, where thorough decontamination of the materials and operative procedures are required, to take radiation risks into account. In addition Montalbetti, with the principal steelworks in the country, has developed a procedure for diluting contaminated materials, which has now become customary in the decommissioning of former nuclear power stations.

A technical and cultural baggage that has grown over time has consolidated the confidence of big customers in Montalbetti SpA also in this sector. The demolition of seven large-scale port cranes in the Genoa basin is an eloquent example of a contract in this context that only a company with considerable experience can approach correctly. The size of the elements to be demolished is just one of the technical problems faced with boundary constraints, such as the presence of port traffic on the docks, the conveyor belts, compliance with the requirements relating to air traffic, the weight of the individual elements to be removed, which in some cases reached as much as 380 tonnes, handled and laid safely on the ground with the aid of four mobile cranes in simultaneous action.